Throughout our blog, we highlight the benefits of having online courses in your coaching business. But, how many should you have? Here are three factors to consider when deciding how many courses to offer.

Your ideal audience

Who are you trying to reach with your coaching business? What do they need? Different audiences have different needs and interests when it comes to online courses.

For example, a business coach may offer courses on a variety of topics that appeal to entrepreneurs and small business owners, while a mindset coach may offer courses focused on personal development and mindfulness.

Your areas of expertise

What topics are you most qualified to teach? If you have a variety of knowledge and skills, you can offer multiple courses that cover different topics. However, if you specialize in a specific area, it may be better to focus on creating one or two high-quality courses that go deep on that topic.

Your business goals

What do you hope to achieve in your coaching business? If you want to generate a significant portion of your income from online courses, you may need to offer a large number of courses to attract a wide audience.

On the other hand, if your primary goal is to provide one-on-one coaching services, you may only need to offer a few courses as supplemental resources.

Final Thoughts

The number of online courses you should have in your coaching business will depend on your specific circumstances and goals. While these factors provide a good starting point, it’s important to focus on creating high-quality courses that meet the needs of your audience.

Evaluate their effectiveness based on student feedback and transformation. Then increase the number of courses if necessary.