Desi-Ann Gordon standing with arms folded

Coaches, authors, virtual service providers

Online Courses with Ease

Hire us, your Course Creation Virtual Assistants, to help you package your expertise into profitable and engaging online courses.

let's simplify your course creation process

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Eliminate the guesswork! Let’s work together to create profitable and engaging online courses.

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Prefer the DIY approach to create your courses? Visit our shop for templates and other resources.

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Want to know the tools and resources we recommend for creating courses? Visit our favourites page.

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We help you to Stand Out

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Vestibulum sagittis dui massa, in hendrerit metus faucibus eu. Aliquam vehicula aliquam sodales. Nulla finibus iaculis erat id viverra. Pellentesque sed vehicula aliquet magna.

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We believe connections lead to meaningful conversions

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Market your business with confidence

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Curabitur egestas, enim sit amet eleifend mattis nullapus aliquam porttitor nisi tortor velamet feugiat lacus tristiq turpis, nec varius ligula. Duis aliquam neque vel mauris blandit egestas faucibus phasellus dolor euismod.

Education and Resources • Education and Resources • Education and Resources • Education and Resources • Education and Resources

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The Ultimate guide to Fuel Your Business Growth


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How to Market Your Biz Through PR & Podcasts


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Your Guide to Repurpose Content for More Reach

"Desi-Ann helped me shape my thinking and gently urged me to dig deeper in the development of the course. She and her team met with me multiple times to ensure that the quality and content was stellar."
Jackson Drumgoole
The Friend of Fathers

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