General Knowledge

  • A Look at Our Technology Stack: The Business Tools We Use

    With so many apps, tools, platforms, and courses on the market, you could become overwhelmed. Which ones should you use? Which are the right ones for your business? Well, the best way to know is to test them. Here are some of the business tools we use at Caribbean Virtual Assistants. Web Design WordPress […]

  • Understanding the Fixed and Growth Mindsets

    Mindset and goals

    Fixed and Growth Mindsets: How are you thinking? Yes, you read that correctly.  Do you see yourself achieving just so much and no more? Or are you the kind of person willing to try new things because you believe you can achieve them? These are examples of fixed and growth mindsets. Our mindset is usually […]

  • What is Content Creation

    What is content creation?

    Content Creation is the art of creating informative write-ups and videos.  Creating valuable content is a process, and there are some things you must consider. So, before you begin the process, here are a few questions you need to answer: What is your topic? Do you have a specific area of focus? What type of content do […]