Do you enjoy taking quizzes? Want to try something fun instead of reading another blog post? Here’s a short quiz to help you decide what type of course to create. While it’s not very comprehensive, take it out of curiosity. It may bring clarity and help guide your decision.

Take the quiz and tally your final score. Score each response with the following points:

a. – 1 point

b. – 2 points

c. – 3 points

What is the primary goal of your coaching business?
a. To generate income

b. To provide value to clients

c. To build a brand

What is the main challenge your clients face?
a. Lack of motivation

b. Lack of knowledge/skills

c. Lack of resources

What is your area of expertise?
a. Health and wellness

b. Business

c. Personal development

What is your target audience?
a. Beginners

b. Intermediate learners

c. Advanced practitioners

How much time and resources do you have to create the course?
a. Limited time and resources

b. Moderate time and resources

c. Abundant time and resources

What is your preferred format for delivering content?
a. Text-based (ebook, articles)

b. Audio (podcast, recorded webinar)

c. Video (recorded course, live workshop)

What is your budget for marketing and promoting the course?
a. Limited budget

b. Moderate budget

c. High budget

What is the ultimate outcome you want for your clients after taking the course?
a. To achieve a specific goal

b. To gain knowledge/skills

c. To develop a habit or routine

What’s Your Score?

Use the following guide to determine the type of course you should create.

8-12 points

  • Create a short course that addresses a specific problem.
  • Deliver the content in a format that suits your time and resource limitations.

13-18 points

  • Create a comprehensive course that provides your in-depth knowledge and skills.
  • Use a variety of content formats to appeal to different learning styles.

19-24 points

  • Create a premium course that caters to advanced practitioners and offers a unique experience.
  • Invest in high-quality content, marketing, and promotion to maximize its potential.

Final Thoughts

What’s your score? Share it in the comments.