When creating a course, images are an essential component to help learners understand and retain information. They can help explain complex concepts, break up text-heavy slides, and add interest to your content. However, finding the right images can be challenging. In this post, we’ll go over some tips for selecting the best stock images for your course slides and suggest some resources for finding them.

Determine the tone and message of your course

    Before selecting images for your course slides, it’s essential to determine the tone and message you want to convey. This will help you choose appropriate and relevant images for your course content. For example, if your course is about mindfulness, you may want to select calming, serene images. If your course is about marketing, you may want to choose more dynamic and exciting images.

    Choose images that support your content

    Once you have established the tone and message of your course, it’s important to select images that support your content. Avoid selecting images just because they look nice or catch your eye. Instead, choose images that help clarify your message or provide visual aids to your content.

    Consider the composition and quality of the images

    When selecting images, consider the composition and quality of the images. Ensure that the images are not blurry, low resolution, or pixelated. Consider the rule of thirds when selecting images for your course slides. The rule of thirds is a composition guideline that suggests dividing an image into thirds vertically and horizontally and placing the subject of the image at one of the intersections. This creates a more visually appealing image that draws the viewer’s eye to the subject.

    Choose images that are royalty-free or licensed for commercial use

    Using images without proper licensing or permission can result in copyright infringement, which can lead to legal troubles. Ensure that the images you select are royalty-free or licensed for commercial use. You can find royalty-free images through stock photo websites or through creative commons licenses.

    Resources for finding stock images

    There are several resources for finding stock images, including free and paid websites. Here are a few options to consider:

    • Adobe Stock: A paid website with millions of high-quality images, videos, and templates
    • Canva: Get images and add your creative touches such as borders, different backgrounds, etc
    • Pexels: A free website with high-quality images
    • Pixabay: Another free website with high-quality images
    • Shutterstock: A paid website with over 300 million royalty-free images, videos, and music tracks
    • XOXO Templates: Stunning Canva templates for your courses
    • Unsplash: A free website with high-quality images from photographers worldwide
    • YayImages: 13.5 million royalty-free stock photos, vectors, and videos

    Editing images to fit your course slides

    Once you’ve selected the images for your course slides, consider editing them to fit your course style. You can crop, resize, or adjust the colors of your images to ensure they match your course’s overall style.

    Final Thoughts

    Selecting the right stock images for your course slides is crucial for conveying the right message and keeping your learners engaged. Consider the tone and message of your course, choose images that support your content, consider the composition and quality of the images, select royalty-free or licensed images, and consider editing images to fit your course style. By following these tips, you can create visually appealing and engaging course slides.