At Caribbean Virtual Assistants, we enjoy creating courses. We also enjoy helping others create courses.

If you’ve ever thought about hiring a Virtual Assistant to help you create your course, you’ve landed in the right place. In this blog post, we discuss how a VA can support you.

To best explain this, we will use the four steps in our course creation process:

Decide – What course to create? Who’s the audience? How to deliver the course?

Design – What are your learning outcomes? How many lessons? What learning supports will be included?

Develop – What content should you write for your online course? How about your slides, worksheets, assessments?

Deliver – Setting up the course to deliver to your audience


A Virtual Assistant can help you brainstorm your course topic idea.

  1. Research: Virtual assistants can help course creators conduct research on their course topic. This may involve finding keywords, relevant articles, studies, or other resources that can be used to develop course content.
  2. Research similar courses for titles, pricing, and course details.


A Virtual Assistant can help you design the structure of your course.

Content organization

  • Create course outlines
  • Develop lesson plans
  • Identify key points to cover in each module

Editing and proofreading

Review and edit course content for clarity, accuracy, and consistency.


A Virtual Assistant can help you develop your content and learning supports – slides, worksheets, quizzes, etc.

Produce videos

A Virtual Assistant can assist with scripting, filming, and editing videos.

Develop course slides

  • Create a basic slide presentations or other visual aids
  • Add content for each lesson into the template
  • Find or create custom graphics to enhance the course material

Create Worksheets

  • Create a basic worksheet template
  • Add content for each lesson into the template
  • Find or create graphics for your slides


– Give your VA access to your course content, brand board, and samples of your style and tone of voice.
– Your VA will provide sample layouts for you to consider.
– Pick the one you like and then let the magic begin!


A Virtual Assistant can help you deliver your online course to your students.

Course Setup

  • Create an account on LMS (if you don’t already have one)
  • Customize the platform to be on-brand
  • Setup modules and lessons in your classroom
  • Upload files into the modules and lessons

Other Support

Social Media Marketing

  • Create promotional materials like graphics and videos
  • Plan and schedule social media content
  • Set reminders for manual posts

Email Marketing

  • Set up weekly emails to nurture your audience
  • Setup and schedule course launch emails
  • Create variations of your nurture emails
  • Setup and schedule emails to students

Administrative Support:

  • Scheduling meetings with team members or collaborators
  • Responding to emails
  • Managing your calendar

Student Support:

  • Respond to student questions or issues
  • Provide technical support
  • Manage course enrollments and payments
  • Track student progress
  • Collect student testimonials

Community Management:

  • Respond to common questions or issues on your behalf
  • Create a library of FAQs

Guest Expert Management

  • Confirm dates and times
  • Gather consent forms, headshots, bios
  • Setup emails to students
  • Convey live sessions process to contributors

Content Repurposing

  • Convert video transcript into a blog post
  • Create images for social media posts
  • Create excerpts for social media posts

Final Thoughts

By providing course creation support, virtual assistants can help you save time, improve the quality of your courses, and provide a better learning experience for your students.

How do you see a Virtual Assistant helping you with your course?