Desi-Ann Gordon

Hi, I’m Desi-Ann Gordon, aka The VA Mom. I support course creators, coaches, consultants, authors, trainers or anyone who wants to create profitable online courses or other digital products. I am also a Virtual Assistant Coach & Trainer, helping women start and operate successful virtual assistant businesses.

  • How to Name Your Course

    man thinking

    Creating your course starts with a topic. But while knowing your topic is a fantastic starting point, you also need to think about what you’d want to name your course. Your course title is an important part of creating a compelling and engaging learning experience. Below are some tips to help you name your course. […]

  • 3 Mistakes Course Creators Make

    Crumpled paper to throw away

    Creating courses is not rocket science but it’s also not a stroll in the park. It requires you to understand you want to help, why your course can help them and how you will achieve your course objectives. Before you start creating your first (or next course), read this post about three mistakes course creators […]

  • One Problem, One Solution: Simplifying Course Creation

    problem and solution in jigsaw puzzle

    In a previous post, we mentioned that one mistake course creators make is packing too much information into their courses. We also encouraged you to adopt the One Problem, One Solution approach. This principle suggests that when you are trying to solve a problem, you should focus on identifying one specific issue and creating one […]