Month: April 2023

  • How to Use Storytelling to Sell Your Course

    In today’s digital age, creating and selling an online course has become a popular way to share knowledge and skills with a larger audience. However, with so many courses available on various platforms, it can be challenging to make your course stand out from the rest. That’s where storytelling comes in. Storytelling is an age-old […]

  • What is a Learning Management System?

    Man studying on computer

    If you’ve never heard the term “Learning Management System” or “LMS”, keep reading. As a course creator, you will need to decide how you’ll deliver to your students. One such method is through a Learning Management System (LMS). So, let’s dive into what it is and why you should use one. An LMS is a […]

  • How to Accommodate All Learning Styles in Your Course

    As a course creator, one of your main goals is to ensure that your students receive a quality education that suits their individual learning styles. Every student has their own way of learning and processing information, so it is important to create a course that accommodates different learning styles. In this blog post, we will […]